IDT Belarus

IDT Belarus is based in Minsk and is registered in Hi-Tech Park. It is a part of IDT Corporation, which is an American telecommunications company founded in 1990 and headquartered in Newark, New Jersey. Today it is an industry leader in prepaid communication and payment services and is one of the world's largest international voice carriers. IDT is listed on the NYSE, employs over 1300 people across 20+ countries and has yearly revenues in excess of $1.5 billion USD. Several interesting facts about IDT Corporation: IDT operates in 147 countries around the world! IDT is the biggest provider of International Airtime Top-Up (IATU) across the USA! IDT is the pioneer of VoIP! IDT is a leading global carrier of international voice traffic carrying over 30 billion minutes! IDT is the largest calling card company in the world!


Минск 5 декабря 2019 c 18:30 до 21:00, 1610 дней назад

5 декабря в офисе IDT Belarus пройдет день открытых дверей для начинающих специалистов, которые только выбирают свою будущую компанию. Регистрация обязательна.
